by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
PRACTICE and THEN PREACH the principles of good sadhu sanga. When my eldest daughter did the bhakti sastri course in Mayapur, she skyped me one day. “Mum, what is more important: practicing or preaching?” My reply, as she knew it would be, was, “practice”. “Well”,...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
CHANT Hare Krishna mantra regularly and FOLLOW the four regulative principles In this article I share three truths that I have understood: Chanting Hare Krishna and discussing Srila Prabhupada’s books are both kirtan. If we are sinful, we cannot chant Hare Krishna...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
Cite sastra to support your statements. According to Bhagavad Gita 17.15 there are two essential principles in discussing sastra. One is to speak pleasantly (see Principle 9), and the other is to cite sastric evidence: “The process of speaking in spiritual circles is...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
Ask questions that help you understand the APPLICATION of what you have understood. As well as asking questions that help clarify Srila Prabhupada’s intended meaning and questions that address our doubts and misgivings, we also need to ask how we are personally going...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
Ask your questions in a submissive mood; not a challenging mood. “tad viddhi praṇipātena / paripraśnena sevayā upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
Don’t accept blindly. BRING UP your doubts, confusions and misgivings As well as asking questions that clarify the meaning of the text (see Principle 10), we also need to ask questions if we doubt the truth of something Srila Prabhupada writes. This kind of doubt...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
Ask Questions that help clarify Srila Prabhupada’s intended meaning. For assimilation of Srila Prabhupada’s teachings to fully take place, questions are required. Or in other words, asking questions is a vital part of the assimilation process. “In this verse, both...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
Discuss with humility, gratitude, mutual appreciation and respect. Personally I think this is one of the most important principles. I don’t know if you are anything like me, but my thinking processes seize up in the presence of people I fear may be combative in their...
by Pranas | Apr 26, 2020 | Principles
HELP your discussion partner develop their own understanding by using empathic hearing skills. When we first started discussing Srila Prabhupada’s purports at home we would often feel frustrated by the end of a discussion due to subtle rivalry between us. There are...