If we want to become happy

We may not be able to follow this instruction perfectly straight away, but this is what we should be aiming for if we want to become happy: «As a matter of principle, devotees should read, speak and hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam persistently, twenty-four hours daily if...

If we simply talk about Krsna

“If we simply talk about Krsna and hear about Him, the stage will come when we will no longer suffer…… When we feel pleasure from hearing about Krsna and talking about Him, we should know that we are making progress on the path of perfection. At that time, material...

SB 5.3.14 purport

«If one is serious about escaping maya’s influence and returning home, back to Godhead, one must associate with a sadhu (devotee). That is the verdict of all scriptures. By the slight association of a devotee, one can be freed from the clutches of maya....

Cintamani Dhama dasi

Hare Krishna!   My name is Cintamani Dhama dasi. I would like to share with why I am so passionate about sharing the Principles of Improved Sadhu Sanga.  I can honestly say that they have transformed my life from black to white. I joined ISKCON in 1981, having...

Two Avatars (Brilliant as the Sun volume 4)

In this fourth volume we hear about the appearance of Vishnu’s stupendous boar incarnation, Lord Varaha, who rescues the earth from the demon Hiranyaksha. We also meet the great sage Kardama, who marries Devahuti, daughter of the earth’s emperor, Manu. She gives birth...

Vidura’s pilgrimage (Brilliant as the Sun volume 3)

A vivid dramatization of the great Sanskrit classic Srimad Bhagavatam, “The beautiful story of the Supreme Person”. In this third canto we travel with the saint Vidura as he meets first with Uddhava, Krishna’s secretary and close confidante, and then with the great...


Panchatantra, India’s famous collection of fables has enthralled audiences for centuries. Full of humour, wit and wisdom, the tales combine artfully to convey basic life lessons. These fabulous stories, originally imported by a sage to three young princes, all...