Just like here is Bhagavad-gita. You follow the direction. You will understand what is God, what you are, what is this world, what is our relation between ourself, what is our condition, how we can get out of this miserable condition. Everything you will find. In the beginning a small child cannot understand what is mathematic, but if he studies mathematic science, he one day becomes a very big mathematician, the same child. Similarly, this spiritual science, every one of you can become spiritually advanced provided you study the science. That is Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a bluff sentiment. It is a great science. Those who are actually studious, they can understand the science perfectly if they study all our books. We have got twenty volumes books like this already published. And we propose to publish seventy-two volumes, how to understand God. So God is not so cheap thing, that «I have become God; you have become God.» It is a great science. So those who want to understand God scientifically, philosophically, let them read these books. That is our presentation, Krsna consciousness.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 16.6 — Hawaii, February 2, 1975