Quotes from the Introductory Video

The key to spiritual advancement is sadhu sanga:

“The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Uddhava, by associating with My pure devotees one can destroy one’s attachment for all objects of material sense gratification. Such purifying association brings Me under the control of My devotee. One may perform the aṣṭāṅga-yoga system, engage in philosophical analysis of the elements of material nature, practice nonviolence and other ordinary principles of piety, chant the Vedas, perform penances, take to the renounced order of life, execute sacrificial performances and dig wells, plant trees and perform other public welfare activities, give in charity, carry out severe vows, worship the demigods, chant confidential mantras, visit holy places or accept major and minor disciplinary injunctions, but even by performing such activities one does not bring Me under his control.”
SB 11.12.1-2

“When the material life of a wandering soul has ceased, O Acyuta, he may attain the association of Your devotees. And when he associates with them, there awakens in him devotion unto You, who are the goal of the devotees and the Lord of all causes and their effects.” SB 10.51.53

“In the association of pure devotees, discussion of the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and the heart. By cultivating such knowledge one gradually becomes advanced on the path of liberation, and thereafter he is freed, and his attraction becomes fixed. Then real devotion and devotional service begin.” SB 3.25.25

“The root cause of devotional service to Lord Krsna is association with advanced devotees. Even when one’s dormant love for Krsna awakens, association with devotees is still most essential.” CC. Madhya 22.83

How do I know if I’m doing sadhu sanga right?

“If a person is actually executing devotional service, then he must be happy. If he’s not happy, then he’s not doing properly. So first thing is this. He might be doing something in the name of devotional service. If he’s actually rendering devotional service, then he must be feeling. Just like if you are eating actually, then you must feel strength and satisfaction of your hunger. You cannot say, “I’m eating, but I’m not satisfied of my hunger.” That is impossible. This is not possible. Then you are not eating. Or you are eating, but it is being devoured by the worms within your intestines. Sometimes it happens. If there are many worms within the intestines, you go on voraciously eating, but you don’t get strength because the eating substance, the essence, is taken by the worms. Therefore the worm treatment is there to kill the worms. Otherwise they will eat everything. You’ll feel hungry, but will not get any strength. This is the worm disease. So if I am actually rendering devotional service and I’m not getting any happiness, that means there is some maya’s play. Otherwise there is no such reasoning. He must feel happy. Then he has to rectify the process of his service. Not to change but rectify the process. [aside:] What is that? [laughs] It cannot be. If you are actually executing devotional service, you must feel happy. If you don’t feel happy, then you are not executing. There is some flaw. Yes.” Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.13-17 — November 29, 1968, Los Angeles

“Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always eager to see everyone in the material world happy….” CC. Antya 7.140

“The topmost benediction for those who are living in this material world and are subjected to the repetition of birth and death (transmigration) is association with pure devotees. One should search out such pure devotees and remain with them. That will make one completely happy, even though living within the material world.” SB 4.30.34 purport

What kind of devotee do we need to associate with for our sadhu sanga to have desired effect?

“The summary is that one has to, first of all, seek the association of pure devotees who not only are learned in the Vedānta but are self-realized souls and unalloyed devotees of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Personality of Godhead.” SB 1.5.34

How can we all always have such sadhu sanga?

“I am therefore so much laboring hard that we…, before my leaving this body, I may give you some books who you can enjoy after my death. So utilize it. Utilize it. Read every sloka nicely, try to understand the meaning, discuss amongst yourself. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya. That is our mission.” Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.1 — July 6, 1972, London

“So in my absence you read the books. What I talk, I have written in the books……. you can associate with me by reading my books.” Morning Walk — August 7, 1975, Toronto

“Your guru is writing books. If you think, “There is no necessity of reading books,” that is guror avajna. Do you mean to say I am writing these books whole night for selling and making money? Why do you think like that?” Lecture — December 23, 1968, Boston

I hear from Srila Prabhupada, but I am not happy. Why?

“Simple hearing is not all; one must realize the text with proper attention….The secret of knowing Bhāgavatam is mentioned here. No one can give rapt attention who is not pure in mind. No one can be pure in mind who is not pure in action. No one can be pure in action who is not pure in eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. But somehow or other if someone hears with rapt attention from the right person, at the very beginning one can assuredly see Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa in person in the pages of Bhāgavatam.” SB 1.3.44