What results do we get

Do you know what result we aspiring devotees should try to achieve with all our sadhana, charity, & work? This is what Srila Prabhupada says: “The result is that you must develop or increase your tendency to hear about God.” lecture on...

Direction by a realized devotee

“A complete progressive march on the return path home, back to Godhead, will depend on the instructions of the revealed scriptures directed by a realized devotee.” Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.3.24 – Purport

If we want to become happy

We may not be able to follow this instruction perfectly straight away, but this is what we should be aiming for if we want to become happy: “As a matter of principle, devotees should read, speak and hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam persistently, twenty-four hours daily if...

If we simply talk about Krsna

“If we simply talk about Krsna and hear about Him, the stage will come when we will no longer suffer…… When we feel pleasure from hearing about Krsna and talking about Him, we should know that we are making progress on the path of perfection. At that time, material...