Mahabharata: the greatest spiritual epic of all time

Mahabharata, a part of the ancient Vedas of India, is a story quite unlike anything else. There are few books which have survived as long as this five thousand year old epic. Its enduring popularity is itself testimony to the profound wisdom contained in its pages. In...

Mysteries of creation

In this canto of Srimad Bhagavatam we hear the great sage Shukadeva Goswami answering the questions of King Parikit, who has been cursed to die in seven days. After briefly delineating man’s highest duty and the best way to conquer suffering and death, Shukadeva...

Sages of Naimisharanya

An updated version of chapter 2 of Sages of Naimisharanya, along with appendices and notes. A dramatic retelling of Srimad Bhagavatam, the most prominent of the Puranas, or histories of the Ancient World. The original Sanskrit text of the work, penned by the great...

Quotes from the Introductory Video

Quotes from the Introductory Video The key to spiritual advancement is sadhu sanga: “The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Uddhava, by associating with My pure devotees one can destroy one’s attachment for all objects of material sense gratification. Such...

A devotee should always cite evidence

A devotee should always cite evidence to support his points “So according to the Vedic system, if you say something very emphatically, you must prove by Vedic evidences. Otherwise you can go on talking; nobody will hear.” SP lecture on Sri Caitanya-caritamrta,...

Power of hearing devotees discuss sastra

Power of hearing devotees discuss sastra “Hearing discussions among the devotees is the only means to receive the powerful message of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For instance, Bhagavad-gītā has been well known all over the world for a very long time,...

How can I help my loved ones?

How can I help my loved ones? I want to help my loved ones, but here Srila Prabhupada tells me that i can’t help anyone until i first help myself. And what does it mean to help myself? I have to understand Krishna….i have to learn from books like Bg and SB the science...

Every day you have to read my books

Every day you have to read my books Prabhupada said, “Can you quote this verse?” The two of us looked at each other, and I thought, “Tamal Krishna Goswami will quote the verse,” but Tamal Krishna Goswami thought I was going to do it. Neither of us knew the verse....