bh. Pranas

Hare Krishna, Please accept my most humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada. How I came to Krishna Consciousness I was raised as a good Catholic. Okay, not that good, but at least as a Catholic boy. I found the Bible and New Testament captivating, and I...

Cintamani Dhama dasi

Hare Krishna!   My name is Cintamani Dhama dasi. I would like to share with why I am so passionate about sharing the Principles of Improved Sadhu Sanga.  I can honestly say that they have transformed my life from black to white. I joined ISKCON in 1981, having...

Krishna dharma das

Hare Krishna. I joined ISKCON in 1979, less than 2 years after Srila Prabhupada’s departure. His presence was still strongly felt and I found myself very attracted to him from the very beginning of my spiritual life. I would constantly listen to his lectures,...